Catch a Glimpse

Travel Season Pt. 2
October 2, 2009, 2:28 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

TC Coffee Shop Celina, Ohio

Sitting in a coffeeshop allows a lot of reflection and imagination to take place. I love coffee shops. I would take a local shop over a Starbucks any day of my life, even if the coffee doesn’t turn out to be too good. Today, that wasn’t the case.

TC Coffee is located in a large two-story home in Celina, Ohio. One wouldn’t know about them unless you talked to a local who gave a personal recommendation. The walls are covered in local artists and photographers work. Behind me is a beautiful painting of a Rothenburg home. In this painting I noticed that the artists painted their personal email address on the painting (it’s a Hotmail address. People still use Hotmail?)

My recollection and knowledge of art history is very faint, however I know that the marks of famous writers, painters, and drawers were a very significant part of art in the past. Maybe this is a bit post-modern, but I would relate the desire to own these pieces of art to a consumer going after the name brand, simply paying for the outside of the cup or the logo on top of the design.

Give me the blank white cup and a box of crayons. Maybe allow the baristas the opportunity to express themselves on the cup, leaving their own mark to their piece of work that they created (both in visual and taste).  If you know me, you definitely know that I just started writing a potential business plan based on this idea.

Travel season is currently in full swing. I have been to 3 different college fairs in a matter of 24 hours, and I am on my way to do my first high school visit in Findlay, Ohio. This is definitely one of the most interesting jobs a recent graduate could ask for. I have the opportunity to travel around Ohio, meet thousands of people, and to encourage high school students in their search for post-high school life. College isn’t for everyone but my personal experiences in college show me that everyone needs to give it a try. A common misunderstanding is that we are strictly devoted to all students coming to MVNU, but the truth is the counselors care more about the people than the enrollment. Our role is to help students find the best opportunity for growth, learning, and spiritual development in a time that is so influential in life.  Honestly, MVNU is going to allow each of those things, which is why Lauren, Louey, Troy, Amber, Tracy, and myself are all where we are today. There are only so many jobs that allow you to sit down and pray for all of the people you work with, hoping that they seek God in all decisions they make. This is that job.

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i believe in you bro and in what you’ve done, are doing and will do. i love your heart, am happy for you and where you’re at right now, and i miss your presence.
que dios te guie en todo

Comment by Alex Colston

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