Catch a Glimpse

It’s been awhile…
September 1, 2009, 1:57 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I walked into the office today, and totally realized that my blogging has been at an all-time low. I wish I had some sort of a coupon to give you guys just because this is just sad. Here’s the latest:
MVNU is officially in session today. Classes started this morning for all of our students. It was fun walking in from my car and seeing countless Freshman wandering around campus trying to act like they knew what was going on. There is something almost cute about Freshman. They can almost be comparable to watching a young child on a playground. They don’t know where to start, how to get to class, or what to do next. Even more amusing is watching all the Freshman that are already exhausted beyond measure because they now decide what time they go to bed and how to prioritize their time. (You know who you are, people who tried to pull an all-nighter on the first night before classes)

Wedding season is almost over. I have one more left this summer, my good friends James Mummert and Emily Henning. James and I grew up on the same floor in Oakwood during our Freshman year. And by grow up, I really mean that. We both were fallen class council candidates our freshman year, and got caught up in some early intramural drama. He said I was too small to play the line for flag football. Boy was he wrong… I protected him and his quarterback for the next three years. Through it all, James and I have grown to be close friends, and I hope for the best for him and Emily. Love you guys!!

He is so getting married..

He is so getting married..

Here’s a look at the office this morning… Since classes have started, our jobs are about to restart. The Class of 2013 is in, and now we work on 2014, or HS graduates of 2010.

Using the new "The Thing" hands with the POW! Hulk Hands

In other news, I found a name for my new cubicle… Welcome to “Tot’s Hot Spot!”

Tot's Hot Spot

This is James Smith, Admissions Director. He skipped into work this morning, with a backpack on and his shirt tucked in. He was truly ready for the first day of school today.

My Boss

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